A Week in the life…..

So just what do we do on a “Sower Project”? This project is a little different since we’re here alone, but we’ve had a good and productive week!
Monday –
Since Gary had actually worked on the previous Friday (he pressure washed the Welcome Center deck), he knew his next project was repairing the horse corral. So we headed there first things on Monday. Several of the boards needed to be replaced and the rest just needed to be tightened and reinforced. We (and I use the term loosely) had the job done by the end of the day. (I’m a great board holder and carrier!)
Tuesday –
More fence, but this time it was more “official” fencing along the road, and three sections that actually needed to be replaced. It involved setting the new posts in concrete and then building the three new sections. I continue to be amazed how much Gary knows about this stuff, and I was especially amazed at how patient he was with his helper.
From Start to Finish –

fence start fence2

(Thankfully someone else gets to do the painting!)

Gary moved to the basement of the Welcome center – where Libby wanted some sort of storage closet built for all of the “stuff” that was accumulating in the basement. She really didn’t have a plan, but before we knew it the closet had become the entire corner of the basement. The supplies were purchased and by the end of the day Gary had made a good start. (His helper was moved for the day to help in the kitchen – I’m sure he missed me terribly!)
The Beginning –
room start
We were both back in the basement. I was moving a palate worth of floor tiles to the new bottom shelf (a lot easier to do it then than after the walls go up) while Gary continued on with construction. One good thing about this basement work – it was in the 90’s outside, so the working conditions were way better where we were!
Well, Friday is not a Sower work day, but Gary headed back to the basement to try and finish up everything but the outside walls. I popped over to bring him snacks and water, but mostly I stayed home and tried to catch up on cleaning and post-Vermont unpacking/organizing.
By the end of the day….
Can you see Libby is already beginning to fill up the shelves?

But of course our lives here are not all work and no play. We’ve been taking lovely walks in the evenings and then enjoying sitting outside for a spell before darkness settles on the camp. And we have been kept company by this little new friend and his mate….
hummingbird visitor

And so went our week. It was good – and I hope yours was as well. I often think of my friends that I have left at home – each with their own busy lives. And I sometimes miss not being able to share in the excitement of a new baby or an upcoming wedding or being able to just sit down and gab with good friends, but I am content knowing that God has us where He wants us to be. We continue to be amazed at where the Lord had placed us and the work he has enabled us to do!

Oh, and Saturday? Well that was pretty fun too! We hit the tourist road and went to Fall Creek Falls State Park and Cumberland Caverns. Both were very beautiful – and you can see some of our pictures here. (This falls were a little disappointing due to the drought here, but the park has everything from camping to hiking to horseback riding to cabins and a lovely restaurant!.)
I have been so very surprised at the mountains in Tennessee. Who Knew?
Falls River Falls State Park 1

…oh right, Davy Crockett…
Born on a mountain top in Tennessee,
Greenest state in the land of the free.
Raised in the woods so’s he knew every tree,
Killed him a bear when he was only three.

Davy, Davy Crockett King of the Wild Frontier.

I guess someone did know!