We made it!


Ahhhhh….there are few things in my life that I cherish more than that first cup of coffee on that first morning at the cabin. We were blessed with a stunning Vermont morning and combined with the fact that we didn’t crawl out of bed until almost 9AM, well, it just doesn’t get any better than that! (I know it must seem silly that I get so excited about our vacation time at the cabin when after all, we are retired, but there is just something so re-charging about this place for us, that I continue to gush. Sorry!)
But, before I get too far into the wonders of the cabin, let me digress a little to my time home. Along with the annual check-up (all is well, thank you for asking), the new hair cut (even Gary likes it), new glasses on the way, and going through our left-over “stuff”, I managed to exchange hugs with Joe, Janet, Lancaster Conrads
Josiah, Abigail, Anne, Jay, Naomi, Cheryl, Jim, Nancy, Linda, Erik, Leslie, quiltingBFFL2
Linda, Joanne, Carol, Michelle, Mary, Dave, John,birthdaygirls08 Bonnie, Connie, mazillion people at church :-), Georgi, Troy, Abbi, Hannah, Tommy, Pam, Carolyn, Sherry, Chris, Judy, Carol, Luanne, Carol, Deb, Chip…I know there are more, but you get my drift! It was wonderful to be able to see so many folks, plus get some necessary life chores done at the same time. I still have a couple folks I hope we can connect with when we are back in D-town for a day or so next week. If we actually make it to the West Coast next year, it could be awhile before we pass that way again, so all these hugs are very important to me!

Gary and Toby had a great time working at the Carpenters for Christ project in Memphis. They sweated buckets, (and Toby suffered with some of that tomato salmonella poisoning!), but at the end of the week they were able to see amazing accomplishments. I’m going to work with Gary to get his pictures into some kind of order and we’ll get them posted soon. Here they are in all of their CfC splendor (post showers!)-
CFC Toby and Dad

And that brings us almost up to today! Our drive north had a little bit of excitement when we were caught in an outta nowhere hail storm! We found cover under a bridge and watched the fury from there. Phew, thank goodness for overpasses! After we continued on our way we were blessed with the following sight –
VTdrive, so we were encouraged that our destination had better weather than the drive! It turned out to be so….
Which brings us back to
Here is the view as we enjoyed our coffee –
Can you feel your blood pressure lowering?

Since all of the mowing has not yet been accomplished (flat tire on the riding mower!), the early spring wild flowers are still gracing the walk to the pond –
I almost hate to see the mower get fixed!

Gotta wrap this up and get dinner started! Company’s coming πŸ™‚

(It’s kinda crazy being able to get internet here at the cabin, isn’t it!)

2 thoughts on “We made it!”

  1. Pretty crazy, isn’t it? I must say I’ve enjoyed not having to run into town for my HPI work, plus I’ve been able to update my own stuff! I wonder what Gramma would think! πŸ™‚ Love you!!!

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