Tag Archives: bags

New Skill

OK, this might not actually be a new skill, but it is a new use of a skill. I moved away from some general housekeeping this week and got to help out with some sewing for the gift shop. Did you know that a big ol’ empty cracked corn bag
could be turned into a stylish (in a ketchy kind of way) bag?
I’ve made plenty of bags in my day (ask any of my kids!), but this was the first time I’d done it with feed bags! Although the steps were the same as other bags, the material did present a bit of a challenge!
But I was pleased in the end and even completed a second one before my sewing time was up!

These were super fun to make, and gave me lots of ideas for some really handy totes!

I’m not sure when I’ll come across any of those kinds of bags again, but when I do, I’ll be ready!!