A little more catching up and A Big Change

Just reporting in – Gary is hot and sweaty and working hard in Memphis, and I am up in Pennsylvania taking care of business (and doing a fair bit of playing!). At the moment I’m in Lancaster, visiting with son Josiah and his wife Abigail. They’re still sleeping, so I’m taking the opportunity to do a little catching up!
First things first, though….
We had a GREAT weekend in Nashville, visiting with friends John and Rosie Stoner, Stoners and even managed to connect with another Sower couple that live in the area. We left on Nashville on Monday, had a nice overnight in Memphis and then I flew off to PA while Gary stayed behind to do that Carpenters for Christ project.
But even before that…..
We had a wonderful send-off from Teen Challenge. We were honored at a staff breakfast early on Friday and then several of the boys put on a skit about life with Brother Gary and Miss Stephanie in the kitchen. It was pretty cute – here “we” are….
TC Skit
It was (as mentioned) hard to say good-bye to our dear friends and our “boys”, but we were soon done moping and were quite enjoying being on the road. Ah, the road before us – (and it’s not interstate – always a welcome sight!)
On the road again

And as we made our way north through Alabama – Look – could that be mountains??

OK – so it’s more like foothills, but hey, we’ve been FLORIDA for a long time!

Locks of Love –
Back in March when my long hair was beginning to drive me a little crazy, I realized that I was closing in on having enough length to make a contribution to Locks of Love, an organization that supplies wigs to kids with hair loss. I decided to “tough it out” (that’s what they have those big hair clips for, right?), and wait until I got to PA to see if indeed I had the required 10 inches. Here I am on one of those rare occasions of Hair Down.
Long hair 1
And from the back…..
long hair 2
Yep, it was crazy long (for me anyway!)
Gary kept measuring it for me, and I wasn’t sure I’d have the ten inches needed, but the closer I got to my hair appointment, the more excited I was about cutting my hair!
The big day….

long hair 3 long hair 4

short hair 1

My 10 inches…..(so glad it doesn’t look so gray in the ponytail! But rest assured they won’t be using my hair for a sweet 10 year old’s wig! It will be sold to help with expenses)
long hair gone
And while I’m not sure this is the best picture of the New Do, it’s all I have right now –
Ta Da – drum roll, please…..

short hair 2 short hair 3

(Ok, those of you who have known me for years and years are saying, “hey, that’s the haircut she always had!” 🙂 I guess the little spikey do will have to wait until next time!)

Think Gary will recognize his new wife?

3 thoughts on “A little more catching up and A Big Change”

  1. Looks like you’re having a grand time. Do you still have that lovely little jade plant that appeared in your windshield so often in the earlier times? Maybe it’s too big now to have there while you drive.
    Your hair cut looks great and I’m looking forward to seeing it in person! Safe travels to you both.

  2. The jade plant is getting a little leggy, so it rode in the sink so at least I wouldn’t have to watch it tilting at every bump! But thanks for noticing :-).

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