As much as we enjoy our Sower projects we are always excited about hitting the road when the time comes. And since so much of where we are going these days is NEW ROAD (to us) we were definitely ready to head down the mountain and see what needed to be seen!
Here is a sampling of roads that we traveled-
The down-the-mountain road
The civilized road
The civilized road through the mountains
The less than civilized road through the mountains
The REALLY less than civilized road between the mountains
OK, back to some good road….
And the ever changing scenery…
And as the roads changed, so did the view out the side window-
From the start of the day
to the end of the day, we enjoyed the changing scenery.
We made it as far as Bakersfield on our first day, and headed north to Visalia the next morning. However, the scenery was not quite as “scenic”. Not as far as we could tell anyway!
Gee, I love taking pictures out the window!
Right now we’re sitting in the living room of friends we have not seen in 29 years (watching the Super Bowl of course!). It’s been delightful to catch up with them and they have graciously agreed to show us some of the local sights. Tomorrow we head to Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon. Ooooo, more new road!
Can’t wait!
Whose house are you at? I’m so curious… you have friends in Visalia?