I’ve been a Facebook member for about the last year (at the suggestion of my children). It’s been a fun way to get little snippets of their lives and it’s also been fun to connect with folks from my previous (non-RVing) lifetime! Right now there is activity going around facebook called 25 (or 16 or 40) Random Things. It’s a exercise to come up with the required number of random things about yourself and then “tag” other folks who also have to come up with their own lists. So, before I get tagged for 40 random things – here are my 25 Random Things. This was harder than you might think!
1.I was born in New Hampshire but never lived there.
2.I currently am a Florida resident, but have never lived there.
3.Over four years ago I moved from a 4000 sq. ft. house to a 300 sq. ft motor home.
4.I LOVE my 300 square foot home.
5.Although we have been traveling for 4 ½ years there are still 12 states in the lower 48 that we haven’t spent a night in.
6.I have five beautiful children including two beautiful daughters-in-law.
7.I have been blessed with three amazing granddaughters.
8.Being a gramma is SO MUCH FUN!
9.I have an on-line journal. (stop by – www.rvthereyet.org)
10.My husband and I serve with a ministry called SOWERS – which stands for Servants On Wheels Ever Ready.
11.As a Sower I have: mowed acres of grass (using a zero-turn mower), cleaned pools, painted walls, planted gardens, cooked meals, cleaned bathrooms, folded towels and sheets, answered phones, entered data, and been blessed.
12.I started dating my husband when I was 14.
13.I dropped out of college to marry my high school sweetheart.
14.This September we will be married 38 years. Phew.
15.I love to quilt but have never made a full size quilt for my own bed.
16.I made my wedding gown.
17.I have two amazing sisters with whom I am very close.
18.I have a wonderful brother too – though I’m not quite as close to him!
19.I have seen many beautiful parts of this country, but my favorite place is still our family cabin in Vermont.
20.My husband and I enjoy geocaching.
21.My “foreign†travel has been limited to Canada, Mexico and one rainy weekend in the Bahamas.
22.We had our honeymoon at my sister’s house. Fortunately, they were not at home.
23.I still have my wisdom teeth.
24.I have never been hospitalized except to give birth.
25.Jesus loves me.
Ok, now it’s your turn!