Recently we went into a local Verizon store to add some minutes to Gary’s “pay as you go” phone. (We mostly use his phone when we’re looking for each other in Walmart. :)) Although the kind person explained that I could do it over the phone, due to some fat finger errors, I actually got to talk to a Verizon customer service “consultant” in Colorado. After we went through all of the credit card information and how much we wanted to add, she said that we would be charged $7.00 in sales tax.
“Who’s sales tax is that?” I asked.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what you mean,” she replied.
“Well,” I said, “we have a Montana phone number with a Florida billing address, you’re in Colorado, and I’m sitting in New Jersey. I was just wondering who was getting the sales tax.”
And that, my friends, a snapshot of our life! I know I’ve shared some of the ins and outs about our life on the road and in the SOWER ministry, but I was wondering if YOU had any questions about what we do, how we do it or why we do it. Would you like to know more details about our RV, how we decide where to go next, or how we really feel about going to laundromats? Any questions about how we make life “work” in this crazy life we’re currently leading? The floor is open – send along your questions either in the comment section or by dropping me a line over where it says “Contact Us”. (Or if you’re reading this on Facebook, leave a comment or send me a message.) I’ll do my best to answer whatever you ask! (And if I don’t know the answer, I’ll ask Gary!)
The floor is officially open……
Hi Stephanie,
I would like to know how you got started..with RVing, with deciding to give up your house and go fulltime, and how you got started with Sowers. Oh, and how do you decide where you want to go next? SO, I’d like to hear it all!!!