I know this post is overdue – but let’s face it, sometimes those days just slip by until suddenly it’s been a week – then the weekend comes and goes, and here it is Sunday night and I still haven’t figured out what it is that I should be writing about. Â I’m pretty sure you don’t care about the yummy pork fried rice that I made out of leftovers this week and while the fact that we are the proud owners of a brand new mattress (and now feel like we need a ladder to get into bed)
– well, that’s pretty exciting to us, but probably not so much for you!
So I thought, for a little change of pace, I’d give you a little look into Gary’s Journal. Every day since we’ve been on the road (that would be three thousand four hundred and fifty eight days) he has written in his DayMinder “Week at a glance” notebook. Now if you know Gary, you are not surprised to learn that his entries are more in the form of phrases than sentences – no point in wasting his daily word allowance on this, right?
Each day starts with a “Gary Summary” of his morning quiet time, and continues on with snippets of his busy days. At the end of the day he notes where we are parked.
Here goes –
Monday – One Plants, another waters but God increases
Put up electrical boxes in last section of Class End. Filled hole in mech room w/concrete.Put up drywall in bathrooms for plumbing work. Started door opening into plumbing chase
Tuesday – No Sleep? God can give you restÂ
Drilled holes for wire runs, Cut out floor above electrical boxes, Finished green drywall for plumbing pipes, refrigeration copper (wrong 90)no armaflex short 3/8″
Wednesday – Do not worry about tomorrow – God provides
Fixed outdoor water spigot at old school. Pulled power wires and hooked to boxes on gym side of firewall. also pulled some of the intel box wiring
Dinner @McD’s – community group at Juan’s.
Thursday – Prayer is work
Continued to work on wiring. Built temporary refrig pipe supports. Met w/fire alarm people and looked over prints.Put mud rings on wall boxes.
Friday – Viewing Eternity affects our lives today
Started suction line piping – had problems w/torch. need new tip or something. Met manager of Mattress Firm @new site. Went to store and bought a new mattress. Met with Kim & Joe T… @ Corner Bistro for 3 hrs.
And so it goes! Little snippets of his workday (and weekends too!) that are recorded with great regularity. While this is certainly not a “so how do you feel about that?” kind of journal, I think it’s a wonderful journal nonetheless. Â I can’t tell you how many times it has come to the rescue when we’ve been trying to figure out just where we were when. Â And I’m pretty sure that will only come in handier as the years go by (and our memory goes bye-bye!).
But back to the actual entries of this past week. Â Please, please don’t think he’s been all alone in these endeavors. We have been blessed by the arrival of 10 new, hardworking SOWER couples – and the whole building has been hopping with activity!
And of course, when he needed that wire pulled on Wednesday (even though there were 10 guys hanging around to give him a hand), he came and got his trusty helper (me!) to keep those coils moving! It must be love! <3
Have a great week, everyone! Â I hope to be back soon, but for now it’s off to (the giant) bed for me!
Having worked a couple of NOMADS projects, I’ve noticed the SOWER’s work project seem to be on a larger scale. I agree with Gary’s method of journaling – brief notes make since. That got me in trouble once when I was so brief, I could not determine what my journal note meant.