Time to catch up

There’s a lot to share about the SOWER Rally which took place the first weekend in April ( and was the main reason it was so quiet here) but before I delve into that I thought I’d do a little real-time update while I have a couple of quiet moments.  We’re finishing our first week at Life Change  Camp outside Clinton, MO.  (Check out the Where are we now page for a map if you’d like more info on just where that is!)
We have a total of 5 couples working here this month, and we’re the first SOWER group to be here.  It’s always fun to be part of the group that introduces a new project to SOWERs, and as an added bonus, one of our couples are brand new SOWERs, on their very first project. We’re also working with some “old” SOWERs like us, some “middle-aged” SOWERs, and then these new guys! We’re already becoming good friends!
Life Change Camp itself is a relatively new camp – built from scratch in the last 20 years.

(As I was reading over what I had written about this being a “Real Time Update” I had to chuckle because That “Real-time” was over a week ago. Apparently, that quiet moment evaporated. Again!)

So, although much has happened since I started this 8 days ago, I’ll try once again to do a real Real-time update!

We just finished our second week here at Life Change, and with five couples working, a lot has been accomplished. We ladies divided into 2.5 teams.
Two of the ladies, Reenie and Lana,  settled in at the kitchen, whipping up all sorts of cookies to put into the freezer for summer camp.
(This also meant that most every day we had warm cookies for break. We’re all happy to take one for the team!)
Rosie and Vicki got busy painting.
The paneling and trim they are painting are part of the finishing steps of a giant pavilion that is being enclosed for more year-round use.
Those girls have lots of job security!
Since I was the odd man out, I was working mostly with our host Carol, doing some yard work
a little kitchen work
(Not sure why they put me on the ground beef instead of the chocolate chip cookies. Did they know something?)
and finally, I pulled out the paintbrush and paint clothes and tackled some cabinets!
The guys have been quite the worker bees finishing up the interior of that building. They’ve been building doors, and putting up paneling and drywall, and doing all the ‘things’ that are needed!
I don’t know if they will get everything done on their to-do list, but I’m pretty sure they’ll be pretty darn close!
The weeks have flown by – with lots of lovely fellowship, beautiful spring weather, and much work accomplished. Oh, and maybe just a couple of warm Snickerdoodles consumed!
One other thing has happened in the last two weeks.
became this –
Ah, Spring!

Thanks for stopping by – and thank you for your patience with me and this little blog. Busy days plus sketchy internet make for long gaps between posts. But we are well – and appreciate each one of you who stop by to see what we’ve been up to!
Have a great weekend!


2 thoughts on “Time to catch up”

  1. It was sure refreshing to “settle down ” after the rally and enjoy the memories! Hard work but so rewarding. You and Gary made the 40th spectacular. Gail

  2. I bet this camp is being wowed by the SOWERs there. Ya’ll make us proud! Gail

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