Today marks the completion of nineteen years of life in our motor home. Nineteen years of seeing this beautiful country (and a bit of Canada too). Nineteen years of meeting the most amazing people and seeing God at work in ministries big and small. We’ve slept in every state except North Dakota and Hawaii (still waiting for that bridge) and visited most of our national parks. It’s been a grand and glorious adventure – totally unexpected in so many ways, yet never once have we doubted that we are right where God wants us to be. But still, some things ARE hard. Recently I had some first-hand experience with one of those ‘hard’ things.
Earlier this summer I noticed an unusual spot on my upper chest. It started small but over the course of a couple of weeks it continued to grow and it could no longer be ignored. I sent a photo to our primary care doctor who strongly suggested that I find a doctor and have it removed and tested. Ah – those ominous words “find a doctor”.
One of those Hard Things.
Step one – Call a local doctor, explain my situation, and ask for an appointment. “Well, we have to send you some paperwork since you’ll be a new patient. Once we get the paperwork back, we should be able to get an appointment for you in four-six weeks.” Nope. That wasn’t going to work since we’d be out of the area by then. She suggested I contact an urgent care center.
Step two – Locate the closest urgent care center and make an online appointment. They confirmed via text and asked why I was coming in. I explained that I had a cyst that my PCP wanted to have removed and tested. “Oh, we don’t do that,” was the quick reply. They kindly suggested that I go to an emergency room.
Now I have to say, this did not seem in any way shape or form to be an emergency room event to me. But early the next morning Gary and I headed off to the ER at a small hospital about 30 minutes away.
Step three – The ER. We were seen quickly and a young ER doctor examined my cyst. “Hmmmm…Let me talk to my surgeon friend.” She came back a few minutes later. “Can I take a picture of it?” Sure! Click, and off she goes. At her next appearance, she had an appointment card in her hand. “I’ve made you an appointment with a surgeon next week. He should be able to take care of this for you.”
Step four – Go to the surgeon the next week, fill out new patient info (again), and hope that maybe today will be the day the problem will be resolved. After a careful exam of the cyst, he feels he can better take care of the removal in his surgical center. Next week. Two days before we’re scheduled to leave the area.
Step five – Return to the hospital, get checked into the outpatient surgical unit, and wait patiently for the surgeon to arrive. He arrives, we chat, he numbs up the area, does the deed, and sends me home with instructions not to go swimming for 10 days.
Step six – Call the surgeon a week later (and 200 miles away)to see how the testing came out. As expected, it was a small squamous cell carcinoma, but all of the margins were clear and there is nothing further to be done. Except stay out of the sun, and have my regular doctor check it over in six weeks. That should be easier to accomplish since we try to swing by that way at least once a year.
So all is good. It was a Hard Thing – but not an Impossible Thing. The timing was close – but we received good care (even if it took a couple of extra steps!). No pictures this time. (You’re welcome.) I may not be wearing any V-neck tops for a while, but I’m pretty sure they’ll be back in the wardrobe rotation soon!
But hey – NINETEEN years!! How crazy is that!
August 1, 2004
Wow!! What a roller coaster ride. I totally understand the squamous cell thing. I just had a large on removed from my nose. Had one surgery and the next one is on Monday. They had to do a flap and put in some cartilage from my ear in there. Long story but the surgery on Monday should make it look a lot better!! It’s pretty ugly right now. We never know, but, Gods got it ðŸ‘🙠for your recovery.
Thanks for being so candid about the realities of RV living and life stuff! One of the hardest things for me has been just staying on top of health related stuff. It’s much easier to let things go because “something’s are hard!†Praising God for you positive outcome.
FYI that was my comment before! I’m just not tech savvy enough t to know I needed to film the blanks before posting! LOL🤣
Thanks, Tammy, for letting me know it was you!! Good to hear from you. And yes – there are plenty of ups and downs with this full-time RV life of ours, isn’t there! Thanks for stopping by!
Through ANY situation, God is able to provide what we need. We learn to trust Him more and more as we lean on His everlasting arms.