Did you have a good Saturday?

Did you have a good Saturday?  We did! It was a nice quiet day for us here in our new neighborhood.  While Gary was finishing up the outside set-up, I was finally getting started my Year Nineteen memory book!
It’s always quite an overwhelming concept to start this project as I have to take the 3265 (give or take a dozen or two) pictures I have taken during those 12 months and whittle them down and organize them into a picture book that I can actually afford. So after a good long walk down memory lane, I managed to gather 288 pictures that seemed to represent those twelve months. And then the real work began!
Three hours later…..
I was halfway through September.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!


3 thoughts on “Did you have a good Saturday?”

  1. This year I’m using Shutterfly – because it seems to have the best discounts and it was easy to upload the photos from my phone. But other years I’ve used Picaboo – and really liked their product. But they just got too expensive (and not as many discounts/coupons)for me to justify the cost!

  2. I wish you good luck with Shutterfly. I have several books from many years ago using that company. But then a few years ago I had several books in a row that just were poor quality and the pages were popping out right after I received them. It’s what caused me to not do any digital books now for quite some time. I might try Mix book or Snapfish .

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