Category Archives: SOWER Projects

Mondays are for Memories – A Mowing we will go!

With all of the mowing that Gary has been doing (he was on the mover over 6 hours today), I was reminded of the time that I was asked to man the mower. It was early in our SOWER life – July 2007 – and at a camp in Tennessee. I tracked down that post –

With 130 campers running around, it’s pretty tough to stay on top of “pool maintenance”. So, I have been moved to Lawn Maintenance. Yes, the girl that somehow managed to never even get on the riding mower when we lived in Jamison, has spent the last four days cutting lawn with a zero-turn lawn mower. Here I am – Mower Steph (with a view of some of my domain!)

Ten things that I have learned while mowing acres and acres of grass:

1. The “zero turn” thing? Well it’s a little easier said than done.
2. Young campers are prone to enter your mowing area. Stop and find a new patch to mow. There is always somewhere you can mow.
3. Straight line mowing is highly over-rated. I personally think that a nice scallop to the lines adds interest.
4. Sunscreen
5. And if you forgot the sunscreen on the first day, DO NOT forget it on the subsequent days.
6. No matter how carefully you turn, there will be times when you eat grass. Or dirt. Or bugs.
7. Fingers usually stop tingling within 3 hours of turning off the mower.
8. There is nothing quite as lovely as the sound generated after turning off the mower.
9. “Getting close” to trees and bushes takes a lot of practice and is usually best left to those more experienced. (Sorry about that little Bradford Pear =/.)
10. Mowing provides a great opportunity to catch up with your prayer time. After all, who else can hear you? (Just don’t close your eyes and fold your hands!)

Oh – and my tan is really coming along!

This morning was one of those picture-perfect mornings. I carried my camera with me to take some shots – here’s the best one.
(and yes, I even mowed the island!)

When I have a better internet connection I’ll try to upload some of the others so you can see our home base for July.
No big plans for the weekend – it’s time for some household chores for sure! Watch out dust bunnies!


If you’d like to see the original post, you can check it out here! 

Have a great week, everyone!

A more important update

So many of you expressed concern about Gary and his trip to the ER earlier this week – thank you! With a clear report from the ER doctor (who did suggest that it might be the beginning of shingles, which we thankfully have NOT seen!), Gary has had a good week – riding that big ol’ mower!
He did develop one more symptom, though –
Sunburned knees!

Laundry Update

Remember the laundry room?
Now I’ll confess that I am generally considered a “Party Worker”. Let me tackle a job with a group of friends, and the day goes quickly and the job gets done. While Gary is in his element working alone, it’s not my favorite. But I have to say, working all by my lonesome in that nice clean laundry room was quite the pleasure! I plugged in my earbuds, caught up on some podcasts, and then sang along with my favorite Pandora station (Keith & Kristen Getty and Andrew Peterson). Oh, the sweet harmonies we made! Before I knew it – everything was washed, dried, and folded!
There was an added bonus too – all that folding (essentially arm waving, right?) tricked my Fitbit into thinking I had walked over 8000 steps. Without even leaving the room!
Yep, it was a good couple of days!
Have a great weekend,friends!

Day 1b

We’ve had a lot of ‘first day on the job’s in the last 20 years. Yesterday was, technically, our first day on the job here at Heartland. But instead, we started our first day here –
Yep – it was an early morning trip to the local ER. He was having some weird symptoms over the weekend, and it just seemed wise to check things out. As ER visits go, it went pretty smoothly. Our longest wait was for the results of the CT scan (all negative, thank you, Lord), and we were back at the RV before lunch! In fact, Gary went right to work upon our return! Of course, his job this month will mostly involve this –
He kept his day short, but I think he felt good getting started at least a little bit on time!
My boss told me to take the day off, so I started today. And just like there is lots and lots of grass for Gary to mow, there’s plenty of job security for me too!
I don’t know if I’ll be in the laundry the entire time, but it is a job I am fully qualified to do!
So while it was bit of a different “first day on the job” for us, all is well! We may never know just what was going on with Gary – but I’m thankful we were able rule out anything serious.
And the project continues…

And now it’s August!

After a family-fabulous July, we are settled in at our August SOWER project at Heartland Conference Center in Marengo, OH. It’s about 45 minutes from the Marysville crew and about 45 minutes from Daughter (in the opposite direction, of course!), who are, of course, 45 minutes from each other!
It’s a family triangle!
We’re working alone again this month – but that will make it easy to carve out some good time to spend with the kids and grands!
And it might even give me a chance to share some of that Family-Fabulous July!!