Category Archives: The Adventure

Tales from our travels

Quick update

It’s been a long day, but before we turn out the lights, I wanted share the good news that we’ve been reunited with our motor home, Lizzie.
She has a shiny new turbo (at least I’m picturing it that way), and she made it home (about a three hour drive that involved three states,

crossing the Ohio River several times,
Retrieving Lizzie
driving on big roads
Retrieving Lizzie
and through small towns.

And quite frankly, going over a few too many hills and windy roads for this girl’s comfort!) without so much as a sputter!

Even though we’ve been reunited, we still have a bit of work to do before we can actually move back in –

(Like finding the bed) so we’re still enjoying our camp accommodations for another couple of days! But it’s grand to have all our ‘stuff’ back within reach!
And on another very practical note – the repair cost was not nearly as traumatic as I was afraid it would be. Still our largest repair bill yet, but once again I can only express thanksgiving for God’s care for us! Thank you for your many prayers and offers to help- we appreciated them all.

Sweet dreams,



Cornbread, Kiddos, and Waiting

It’s been a week filled with all of those things! First on the waiting – we’ve been told that our new part should be at the mechanics today(Monday), and then it will be on to the repair. So it looks like it might be several more days until we can be reunited. (Quick refresh – the turbo ‘went’ on our motor home, and it is now waiting patiently at a repair shop in Jackson, Ohio. We packed a bag and continued on to our September project at Camp Nathanael in Emmalena, KY, where they have generously supplied us with a room until we go pick-up Lizzie (the RV).) We’ve been blessed with a sweet room –
Untitled and in the same building is a lovely common area (where I am sitting and typing at the moment!)
(You can’t see him, but Gary is snoozing on that comfy sofa! ) It’s pretty much like having our own living room! Oh, we miss our house immensely, but it has been such a blessing to have these lovely accommodations while we wait.
And then there are the kiddos! Last week was the beginning of a 5 week stretch of Outdoor Education sessions that are being run by the camp. School children come from the area counties for a day filled with reenactments and demonstrations about what life was like in the “Pioneer Days”.
There are different stations for quilting, butter making, candle making, washing and dying, and barn building to name just a few! This past week was “Kinder Week” so it was a little scaled down – a good option for us new folks! I was helping out in the “General Store”
Which I confess was more 21st Century trinkets than Olson’s Mercantile, but the little ones sure had a great time picking out some treasures!
But aside from being a helper wherever I am needed (maybe quilting next week??), I’ve been making cornbread!
The cornbread is cut into little squares and then a dab of butter (which the kids have actually made!) is put on top and the little squares are distributed at the end of the class.
Since there are approximately 200 kids that come through the program each school day (and there are 20 more days of kids) – that’s a fair bit of cornbread! So I’m trying to get ahead of the curve and plan to have plenty in the freezer since we won’t be here the last two weeks of the program!
Being that I love working in the kitchen and think helping students experience some quilting will be a delight – pretty sure this month will go by quickly.
Now if we could just get our motor home back.
Ah, the waiting…
Happy Monday, all ya’all!
PS – Gary has (of course!) been busy these days also. Heaters, A/C’s, shower floors – you know, Gary stuff. No pictures though, sorry!

Three September Things

    1.  Today this happy little guy
      Noah-2 turned 14!
      What a delight it has been to watch him grow into manhood! He’s smart and kind, helpful and funny, and handsome and tall. (Yes, another grandchild has grown taller than me) Happy 14th Birthday, Noah! You’re our favorite 14 year old on the planet. We love you so!
    2. These youngun’s
      are celebrating their 53rd anniversary today!

      We’ve re-upped for another year – so we’ll see how it all goes!
      Gary & Steph - 53 years (still with that goofy grin!)
    3. We started work today at Camp Nathanael! We are the only SOWERs this month, but there are lots of other volunteers here all getting ready for the Pioneer Days/Outdoor Education program which begins on Thursday here at the camp. Looks like this month my days will be filled with cornbread, quilting and kids! I’ll let you know how it all pans out!!

So it’s been a pretty good start to the month! Family celebrations, interesting SOWER activities ahead, and the part for Lizzie has been ordered!! There is so very much to be thankful for, isn’t there?
Thanks for stopping by!

Sabbath Rest – Great is thy Faithfulness

Tonight we are settled in our nest for the week (at least) here at Camp Nathanael in Emmalena, KY.  We left our dear Lizzie, plugged in and ready for repair (i.e. I had to empty out my closet. Yikes). Hopefully we’ll be reunited by next week, but until then I can only praise our Lord for his faithfulness to us! I found this video that combines two hymns with a bit of reflection and it really spoke to my heart. Maybe it will speak to yours too!


To finish up the month

Well, it was quite a travel day for us! We got a good early start right around our target time of 8am and began the drive to Kentucky.
Road to Emmalena
We made it through Columbus with nice easy traffic
Road to Emmalena
and made our way to Rte 23 – which pretty much was the road we would travel until very close to our destination.
Road to Emmalena
Oh, there were some towns that we drove through
Road to Emmalena
but mostly it was pretty easy driving and we were excited to see some hills in the distance.
Road to Emmalena
In fact, we were climbing one of those hills

when Gary noticed that we had no boost, and we were slowing down considerably faster than the hill warranted. A quick glance in the rear view mirror showed white smoke billowing out from the back of the rig. And then he saw some flames coming out of the exhaust pipe. (It was enough smoke that folks were stopping because they couldn’t see!) Gary pulled quickly to the shoulder, grabbed the fire extinguisher and ran to the back of the rig. The actual fire was contained in the tail pipe and was out by time Gary got there. We set up hazard signs, and began the wait for our roadside assistance to find an open repair shop and someone to tow us there!

It seems that we have blown out/burned up our turbo something or other that gets the air to the engine. So we’re not going anywhere until that gets replaced. Of course, it’s a holiday weekend, so just finding someone who could look at it was pretty tricky. It’s 11am when we stopped. The mobile service guy gets there around 2, and confirms the need for a tow truck. Then he leaves to track down a wrecker. The giant tow truck arrives at 7.

(It’s not an easy thing to tow a 15 ton motor home. You have to disconnect the drive shaft (at the rear of the rig)which they did before the wrecker arrived and then make sure the tow bar is correctly lined up from the front.

All while traffic is whizzing by. Slow down, people!)
Anywho – by 7:30 our house was being towed away!

We met up with her again as she was pulled into the repair shop,

And they got her settled in for the night. I hope they are happy where they parked her because there’s no moving her now until she’s all put back together.
As for us, we’re tucked in at a nearby Red Roof Inn (not too many choices in this neck of the woods, but it seems nice!) hoping to get a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow we’ll pack a bag and drive the truck to our SOWER project where they are kindly providing us with a room. We won’t know until Tuesday the extent or timing of the needed repairs, (or the $$, gulp) so until then we can at least be useful. And housed!

So we left at 8am and made it to our bed at 9pm. Kind of a long day, right? But we had so much to be thankful for! First of all we were safe. We knew help was coming. We had food and air conditioning and a bathroom. We even watched a little TV. We knew friends and family were praying. Oh, there was stress – don’t get me wrong. And I’m still a little anxious about our dear Lizzie and her needed repairs. But God is still good, and we are still His. We can still give thanks in all things!

Have a blessed Lord’s Day, friends!
