Category Archives: The Cabin

The Vermont Bite

So, Vermont.

I could have easily done multiple posts about our time in Vermont, but my life is promising to get pretty busy again starting Friday, so I’m putting together a Reader’s Digest Version.

The Preface
We had a quick afternoon at the cabin before we drove to Lancaster, PA to meet our new grandson, Weston.  My nephew and his family were just settling in at the cabin for the week, and we were delighted to be able to join them (along with my sister and hubby) for a quick lunch after church.
Not seen in the picture is Mike’s wife (she’s behind the camera) who is expecting twins any time now. I think they did their first vacation at the Cabin (since the kids) just in time!

Chapter One – The Projects
No Cabin visit for us would be complete with Gary tackling a variety of projects. Let’s face it, I’m content to sit in front of the fire with my coffee until 10AM, do up the breakfast dishes, make a sandwich for lunch, read a couple of chapters of my book, take a nap, put together a salad for dinner, pull out the book again and then call it a night. On a sunny day, you might find me wandering down by the pond or suggesting a ride into town for ice cream. Gary, on the other hand, starts every day with a list. This year he was concentrating on doing some ground work for the shed rebuild next summer.
Shed view
Since he was replacing some supports, he decided to do some improvement to our outdoor shower.
First of all, let me say that I LOVE this outdoor shower. I marvel at the miracle of a hot shower at the cabin every time I use it! And now, we can use it without getting our feet muddy coming and going!
He did a little additional shed organization/cleaning –


and worked on replacing some rotting supports on the cabin and porch.
So, it’s safe to say that Gary was having a great time at the cabin. And he even got to pull out a giant rock or two!
(lucky for you, I can’t find that video!).

Chapter Two – The Friends!
We delighted that friends joined us for the last part of our Cabin time.
Rosenbergs and us-2
Gord and Mar had driven all the way from Western Michigan, so we had a great time showing off the beauty of both Vermont and New Hampshire. From the Trappe Family Lodge (think “Sound of Music”)
Trapp Family Lodge
to the Dwinell Homestead in East Calais
Dwinell Homestead Barn
to covered bridges
Haverill-Bath Covered Bridge-3
to scenic waterfalls
VT Water Falls-3
to the top of Mount Washington –
to evenings enjoyed by the fire playing cards, it was a GREAT way to wrap up our time at the cabin!

Chapter Three – The Beauty of it All!
Cabin Sky-1

Cabin Sky-3

Cabin Sky-4
cabin reflection

Conclusion – A Wonderful Time Was Had by All!

It was a pretty perfect couple of weeks at the Cabin.  I’ve skipped over the chapter about  my quilting day with my buddy Lynne, and the mini family reunion with my brother and his family, my sister & hubby, and my niece and her kids, or the lovely afternoon shared with the ladies’ fellowship from my sister’s church.  All 30+ of them!
Needless to say, there are lot more pictures that pertain to our time at the Cabin and our drives through the countryside. If you’d like, please check them out for the “rest of the story”.

Cabin Projects
Fun with Gord and Mar
Vermont Sky
Mount Washington
ALL the Cabin – Sept. 2011 pictures!

Thanks for hanging in for this (not so very) condensed version of our time at the Cabin! I know it’s been fun for me just to review what a special time those two weeks were!

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time!
I confess, that is how I am feeling about life these days. Our month “off” has proven to be quite wonderfully full of family and friends and delights of the soul, but I fear I have fallen behind in some of the more “regular” parts of our life. Like staying on top of the bookkeeping. Or actually getting the vacuum out and cleaning. Or even beginning to blog about the grand time we had at the Cabin and the special time we are now having with our son and wife and beautiful family here in Ohio. We leave on Sunday for a two day drive to Lindale, TX where we’ll be hanging around for the annual SOWER Board of Trustee meeting at the end of next week. I’m not sure those days will be any less full, but maybe – just maybe- I’ll begin to get caught up with some of this stuff.
So I’ll follow the elephant eating advice, and take it one bite at a time.
Tonight’s bite is just to say – please have patience! If you don’t mind some “this happened last week” (or the week before) posts, I promise I’ll get back in the saddle soon.
But for now I need to get to bed – our last day with the kids promises to be a full one!
Thanks for hanging in with me!
Who knows when I’ll get to the vacuuming!

The Fireplace

Tonight is a fire-in-the-fireplace night. Yesterday was hot and sticky and we slept with the doors and windows open and the ceiling fan spinning. It was not a typical September day in Vermont. Today dawned cloudy and cool – the rains arrived in full force by early afternoon, and tonight we’re nice and cozy in front of the fire.
I love this fireplace. To me it is really the essence of our Cabin. I’ve been told that when the cabin was built (1937 give or take a year) the fireplace cost as much as the building did. Today those round river rocks hold the same beauty that they did back then, but it’s not just the beauty of the stones that hold my affection, but the whole fireplace area.
There’s the ship’s clock that has kept time here at the cabin for as long as I can remember. It’s one of the first things I do when I get to the Cabin – a “good winding” will be good for about a weeks’ worth of tick-tocking me to sleep! See the picture next to the clock? That’s a picture of some of  the original buildings that were on this property. The cabin and the woodshed are actually built on the foundations (huge slabs of granite) of this little settlement. I’ve been told that some of the houses were moved to other sites – quite a feat I should say for the 1930’s!

Here’s the key to the clock (really, it’s quite a miracle that we’ve kept track of that key for all these years, don’t you think?) and a couple of sand dollars. Now I’m not quite sure just what sand dollars have to do with the cabin, but my Mom put them there, and I can promise you they will stay until they fall apart! And that’s just the way it is!
Ah, the cast iron collection! I love this stuff, and I’ve been trying to cook with those pans each day.
I think they just make everything taste better!
The harness race horse/Dwinell sign came from my folk’s mailbox. My dad was quite into the harness racing scene and my sister was also a horse lover. I bet you can see some other horse/barn related items without too much trouble. And the tin plate looking thing at the peak? It covers a hole in the chimney, but I don’t actually have a clue what the hole was for. Maybe it was “just in case” they decided to put a wood stove in? I guess it’s fireplace mystery. 🙂
We have wonderful, functional fireplace pokers and such. Do you know what that gadget with the little legs is ? It’s a fireplace toaster! And believe me, it does a great job! Just make sure to get all the spider webs out before you put in the bread…..
I can’t say this pot has ever heated (or even held) water in my memory, but it’s always been there on the left side of the hearth. Maybe my grandmother brought it up (she was quite a collector of interesting things), or maybe once upon a time it actually served a practical purpose. But for now it anchors that side of the hearth, and that’s good enough for me!
Well, that just about wraps up the fireplace tour. Oh, you’re wondering what’s with the baggie next to the sand dollars?
It seems that every year some little part of nature gets tacked up on the mantel for the rest of the family to enjoy. Some years we’ve had beautiful luna moths or other giant moth bodies that are found in the yard. This year we’re enjoying a snake skin. I’m not sure who tacked this up – but I’ve got a good idea! Next to the “exhibit” is a small child’s toy that my other grandfather carved out of solid piece of wood. I love that!

Thanks for coming along for my little fireplace tour.  I couldn’t mention everything, but as you can see the entire area is filled with special family items.  Some things practical (like the pokers and candles) and some things just pretty (like the “welcome” slate my sister painted).  But all together they make up the “comfort zone” of the cabin.

Can you hear it? ……I think the clock is ticking me to sleep………

My apologies

I’d like to offer my apologies for saying that Irene was largly a non-event to all of the Vermonters for whom Irene was anything BUT! Many, many cities and towns to the south and east of us were hit hard. Very hard. My friend Lynne shared this video of the streets of Ludlow (not that she took this video, since her road was completely washed out and she wasn’t goin’ anywhere!)

In our nearby town of Bradford (about halfway up the state, right along the CT river) the signs of flooding were evident in flattened vegetation along the still rushing Waits River and flooded fields next to the Connecticut. The Waits River snakes along byRte 25 as we drive outside of town to our cabin. You can usually see the beautiful river stones on its bottom, and it flows at a nice Sunday-afternoon-let’s-go-tubing speed as it heads to the dam in town and then into the Connecticut River.  Here are the “Bradford Falls” on a typical summer day –
Here is the dam when we passed it after church on Sunday –
When we ventured into town on Monday we learned that Rte 25 had been closed for most of the night due to flooding. We could see the flattened vegetation and up-rooted trees as we drove into town, so we weren’t surprised to learn of the closure.
And the river continued to blast over the falls –
even as the blue sky gave promise to better days!

Yesterday and today have been spectacular Vermont days – I suppose that makes it easier to assess the damage and get busy with the clean-up! But it will be a long (and expensive) road for many. Our thoughts and prayers are with all who have been affected by this monster storm.  Hardly a non-event.

First things first

We had a GREAT visit with our son, his beautiful wife and our newest grandson, Weston.
I did figure my primary job was to hold that little guy, but Gary felt that he could be a little more useful. And useful he was, transforming an ordinary closet
into a Super Closet!
Weston, of course, was amazing! At the tender age of 6 weeks, he is just beginning to smile and I even caught him chuckle. I know it was a chuckle. Don’t look so sceptical! He even had several nights in a row of sleeping 6+ hours, so while I’m sure there will be other nights of interrupted sleep, it was a very hopeful sign of better things to come. We were certainly smitten by him
and I’m sure you can see why!
It was so hard to say good-bye to these guys – one of the very hardest parts of our life on the road!

(There are more Weston pictures HERE – bet you’re surprised about that!)

So, Irene.
With all the news coverage of this storm, we decided to leave Lancaster a day early in an effort to beat the hurricane up the coast. Not that we could actually do anything about whatever the weather would bring, but at least we could “tip” the house a little to avoid any major leaking from the driving rain. (Let’s face it, we live in a tin can with two gaping holes in the side that are filled with moving parts. The chance of rain coming in in a bad storm is pretty high.) The rain arrived right on schedule, but I’m happy to report that aside from a good hard rain most of Sunday with a couple spells of some gusty wind, Irene has been mostly a non-event up here. Oh, there have been a few power outages due to trees down, and the nearby rivers are running wild, but I think basically the area is breathing a huge sigh of relief. We made it up to the cabin (after checking that Lizzie was is good shape) with only one detour to find that we were (as expected) without power. We pulled out the kerosene lantern, lit a couple of candles, built a nice cozy fire, and enjoyed the rain on the roof.
Pretty romantic, don’t you think?
OK, so going out in the rain to the outhouse wasn’t all that fun, but in the overall scheme of things, it was a good day all around!

Hope you were safe with all this crazy weather too!

P.S. Power came back on before dark, but those candles were pretty nice…..