Tag Archives: birthday

Three September Things

    1.  Today this happy little guy
      Noah-2 turned 14!
      What a delight it has been to watch him grow into manhood! He’s smart and kind, helpful and funny, and handsome and tall. (Yes, another grandchild has grown taller than me) Happy 14th Birthday, Noah! You’re our favorite 14 year old on the planet. We love you so!
    2. These youngun’s
      are celebrating their 53rd anniversary today!

      We’ve re-upped for another year – so we’ll see how it all goes!
      Gary & Steph - 53 years (still with that goofy grin!)
    3. We started work today at Camp Nathanael! We are the only SOWERs this month, but there are lots of other volunteers here all getting ready for the Pioneer Days/Outdoor Education program which begins on Thursday here at the camp. Looks like this month my days will be filled with cornbread, quilting and kids! I’ll let you know how it all pans out!!

So it’s been a pretty good start to the month! Family celebrations, interesting SOWER activities ahead, and the part for Lizzie has been ordered!! There is so very much to be thankful for, isn’t there?
Thanks for stopping by!

Sabbath Rest and Happy Birthday!

Today my driver turns 74! And he spent it driving the 450 miles to get us from here
to here –
His gift today was an uneventful drive that only needed two of these –
so that was a good thing!
In honor of his birthday, our Sabbath Rest hymn is one of his favorites  – Fairest Lord Jesus. This video also gives a little history of the hymn. Enjoy!
(If you want to skip right to the hymn, it’s at 1:11)

1. Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature,
O Thou of God and man the Son;
Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor,
Thou my soul’s glory, joy, and crown.

2. Fair are the meadows, fairer still the woodlands,
Robed in the blooming garb of spring;
Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer,
Who makes the woeful heart to sing.

3. Fair is the sunshine, Fairer still the moonlight
And all the twinkling, stary host;
Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer
Than all the angels heav’n can boast

4. Beautiful Savior, Lord of the nations,
Son of God and Son of Man!
Glory and honor, Praise, adoration,
Now and forevermore be Thine!

Words: Anonymous German Hymn, Munster Gesangbuch; st. 1, 3 tr. Source unknown, st. 4 Joseph Augustus Seiss
Music: Schleische Volkslieder

Vocalists: John and Lisa Martin
Instrumentalists: John Martin – Piano

One week in

Phew, it’s been quite the week! We’ve been busy with our SOWER work here at the office
along with continuing the “settling in” process of home ownership! Thank you to all of you who commented either here or on Facebook about this step (however tentative it might be) into our new adventure! And thank you also for sharing in our joy of a new little one arriving at the end of the month! We’re looking forward to meeting our little “tiebreaker”!
But tonight I wanted to share about the sweet visit we had last weekend with our Texas kids (one of the reasons that this whole House-in-Texas thing is happening!). It was short – barely more than 24 hours – but we packed it with lots of love and snuggles! There was a birthday to celebrate (with pizza, not cake!)
How did this baby of mine get to be 43? And the Daddy to four precious little boys?
We met the day-old piglets
and joined in a little Easter egg hunt watching!
And I also got to deliver the latest bed quilt – made with love and prayers, especially for Anderson!
(When I started with this particular quilt tradition it was “When they move into a Big Bed”. Now it’s hopefully before they turn seven! Those grands were coming fast and furious for a while!)
As we said our goodbyes after the egg hunt, we made plans for them to come to OUR HOUSE before we head back east towards the end of April. And believe me, it’s been a very, very long time since I’ve been able to extend that invitation!
It felt pretty good!

Thanks again for all your encouraging comments – I really do love hearing from y’all.  Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed Lord’s Day!




Oh, my – somehow, when it seemed that we weren’t even watching, this little munchkin
Ellie baby
grew up and became this beauty –
Well, I guess we were watching after all, but still, these ‘big’ birthdays do sneak up on us! What a joy it has been to watch this first grandchild of ours grow into a caring, kind, smart, funny, and beautiful young lady.

Dear Ellie – We may be 1000’s of miles away, but you are always close in our hearts! May the year ahead be filled with God’s grace and may His peace fill your heart! Happy Birthday, love!

Real quick –

We leave this afternoon for a wild and wooly weekend in Ohio! Toby and Tammy are leaving us IN CHARGE of their six kiddos – what are they thinking? Of course, they range in age from 20 down to 3, so pretty much we’re just an extra set of wheels and an extra set of eyes for the wee one! We have some fun things planned – so there might just be some updates next week on that.

Meanwhile – here at Longview, things have been going well! Linda and I have been going from serging to sewing to staining to kitchen crew to being baristas in their coffee shop.  I’m more trained on the cash register than the espresso machine – but I have made a fancy drink or two. Ok, so I’ve made two. I might not be able to add it to my skill sheet, but it’s been a fun to interact with the campers AND learn a new skill!  The guys have had their own list of jobs and I’ll try to get more details on that (along with some pictures) next week.
But today, before I disappear from the blogging world for the weekend, I wanted to make sure I wished this sweet young man Happy Birthday!! Not sure when it happened, but he turns TWELVE today!

Happy Birthday, Weston Gary! We love you to the moon and back!