Tag Archives: Birthdays


Birthdays – I’ve had a few.  In my case –  72! But my November Family Calendar is filled with much more than just my birthday! There are 7 other birthdays in our family starting with –
FitzandJoie2021Dear BIL Fitz! He’s the “ancient of days” member of our family these days and he turned 80 on November 4th! He drives me a little crazy sometimes, but I still love him just the same. I especially love the way he loves his family and his Lord! He’s a keeper!
Next up is Maddie on the 8th –
SIXTEEN!!! How can that even be??? She’s a love – and seeing the beautiful young woman she is becoming is exciting!
Then comes me on the 9th!
Baby Steph
My day was filled with a little work, a little play (i.e. ice cream), and a good solid nap! Throw in calls and greetings from folks whom I love – and it was a very good day indeed!
Today (the 10th), this young man turned 7!
Hugh is a great-nephew and a fabulous game player! We’re looking forward to some great competition at next summer’s Family Reunion!
Coming up on the 17th is another great-nephew, Noah, who turns 14.
He’s the oldest of 6 -and from all that we can see, is a great big brother!
Great-nephew Stephen turns 16 on November 20 – he’s quite the athlete and hunter (and much less grainy than this picture would indicate!).
As we wrap up the month, we wish my lovely sister-in-law, Sharon, a very happy (mumble)th birthday on the 21st! We’re so glad you’re part of our family!
And finally – our Thanksgiving grandbaby, Hayley, turns 19 on the 26th!
Hayley sq

These years are going by way too fast. But we are thankful for each birthday we get to celebrate.  I consider November my Birthday Month (and I like to celebrate all month long) and I’m so very happy to share the month with these beautiful family members!

Birthdays. Yes, I’ve had a few…..

October Celebrations

Along with Apple Festivals and Pumpkin Patch Picking, October is also full of birthdays in our family!
It starts at the very beginning of the month when this little one
turned 10 on October 1st!
Not sure how that is even possible!
Later this month, on the 15th, this little one
turns FOUR.
When did we blink?
And today, this very day, this little girl
turned NINE!

So Happy Birthday to these three precious grandbabies – who aren’t such babies anymore! We’re so thankful that God has allowed us to be your grandparents!

Lest we forget

We actually have three grandchildren with birthdays in October! One in each of our kids’ clans.
Back on October 1st, this little fellow turned 9!
Where have those years gone?! Today his heart is as big as that smile – and we love him so!

And coming up on Saturday the 15th, this little guy
deacon and the cabin toys
turns 3!

He’s such a joy!













Happy, Happy birthday to our three October babies!

Twenty Twenty One

2021 is a pretty big year in our world, with lots of milestones. Here are just a few –

This little cutie turned 45 in January! (Our first born!)

This young fella turned 40 last month.  (Our baby!)

This young lady will be graduating from high school in May. (Oldest of the Grands)


This young couple will be celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary this summer.

This wonderful crazy family will be gathering once again at The Cabin this year. Though I do believe the crowd will be a fair bit larger! =)  (Last count, with all the generations accounted for, we’re up to 70!)

This young man (who is now 10) will be experiencing his Grams and Pops Adventure this summer.

GarySteph Wedding
These kids will be celebrating their 50th anniversary in September,

and this itty-bitty will be turning 70 in November.

What a year! Of course there are many, many other birthdays and anniversaries that are just as important, so these are just some highlights.  Sounds like it’s going to be a Party Year around here!