Tag Archives: cello

Sabbath Rest – Come to Jesus

Sometimes the need is great – and Jesus calls us!
Are you waiting, in your sorrows
For this broken world to heal?
He is coming, soon returning
Rest in Him

Are you weary, heavy laden?
Come and lay your burdens down
Jesus calls you, Jesus draws you,
Rest in Him
He is gentle, he is lowly
He delights to bring us peace
Tender shepherd, mighty Savior
Rest in him

How sure, his compassion for us
Oh how deep is his love,
So come, come to Jesus, and rest in him

Are you hopeless, are you guilty
Caught in shame for all your sin?
He pursues you, to forgive you
Rest in Him
He has paid for every failure
Mercy flows in endless streams
Come and follow, freedom calls you
Rest in Him

Are you waiting, in your sorrows
For this broken world to heal?
He is coming, soon returning
Rest in Him
We will see him, We will know him
O what heights of grace revealed
From his kindness, every promise
Then fulfilled
Trust in Jesus, he will keep us
To the end

Jordan Kauflin & Matt Merker
©2021 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) / Jordan Kauflin Music (BMI) / Matthew Merker Music (BMI) / Administered at MusicServices.org

Cello: Matt Butler

Sabbath Rest – O Come, O Come Emmanuel

This beautiful rendition of the 19th century hymn, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, is instrumental only – because sometimes I just need a little ‘cello’.
If you know, you know.

O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel

O come, Thou, Dayspring from on high
And cause Thy light on us to rise
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death’s dark shadow put to flight
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel

O come, O come, true prophet of the Lord
And turn the key to heaven’s door
Be Thou our comforter and guide
And lead us to the Father’s side
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall by His word our darkness dispel

O come, our great High Priest, and intercede
Thy sacrifice, our only plea
The judgment we no longer fear
Thy precious blood has brought us near
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Has banished every fear of hell

O Come, Thou King of nations bring
An end to all our suffering
Bid every pain and sorrow cease
And reign now as our Prince of Peace
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come again with us to dwell

O Come, O Come Emmanuel – traditional Arrangement written by Marshall McDonald and Steven Sharp Nelson Arrangement produced by Al van der Beek, Jon Schmidt, and Steven Sharp Nelson Performed by Steven Sharp Nelson: Cello Jon Schmidt: Piano Cello recorded by Blair Leishman at Covenant Studios Piano recorded by Al van der Beek at ThePianoGuys Studios Mixed and mastered by Al van der Beek at TPG Studios Video filmed, edited, and produced by Paul Anderson

And if you’ve read past all those credits – here’s one more thing!! Happy Birthday to one of my favorite big sisters!!  Love you, Joie  (and no, we were NOT switched at birth!) =)

Happy Mothers Day in Heaven

Dear Mom,
Tomorrow is Mothers Day  – my 24th Mothers Day without you!  Although I can now get through singing “It is Well with my Soul” without tears, I confess that the mellow tones of a cello always makes my heart constrict a bit and I am taken back to those nights of falling asleep to the sound of you practicing for your next concert.  The memories are so very sweet!

Oh, how I wish you could see how your grandchildren have grown into fine adults and then meet your beautiful great-grandchildren (you have 40 in total from all of us and I’m not all that sure that’s the final number). But then again – maybe you already knew that!

Happy Mothers Day in Heaven, Mom! Thank you for loving us so very well.