Tag Archives: Falls

Water over rocks

I know I’ve mentioned before what sorry tourists we are these days.  Last month, when we were closer to Buffalo, there was a little talk about going to Niagara Falls.
“I’ve seen water over rocks before,” was Gary’s joking reply. We have been to Niagara Falls several times, but that is pretty much our  ‘tourist philosophy’ these days. So I was quite delighted when we set out on a lovely Friday morning to check out the Salmon River Falls Unique Area.
Getting to the viewing points was a pretty easy hike. Ok, “hike” might be a bit of an overstatement. Let’s go with walk!
We were not disappointed!
We were able to access the top of the falls via an impressive stairway
and loved the views that came with that new vantage point.
Looking the other way…
It was all very lovely!
As we were heading back to the truck we saw where we could hike down to the base of the falls.
It was super steep, and we gave it a good try!
We only made it about halfway down before the reality of having to get back up set in. (Can you see that little red dot towards the bottom of the picture? I think they were pretty close to the bottom.)
We made it back to the top without going into cardiac arrest, so all in all, it was a win of a day! I’m so glad we had the opportunity to see one of the beautiful natural features of this area.
Yes, it was water over rocks. But as the sign said – it was certainly unique!