Tag Archives: Friends

Phew and Ahhhhh

Playing the Catch-Up Game when it’s been over two weeks since my last post is a little tricky, so I thought I’d just fill in this little ‘schedule’ that I put together with some pictures to go with each slot. Here goes –

Sometimes this nomadic life gets a little complicated!
4/22 – leave Lindale, TX
4/22 (late) – Arrive in Franklin, TN, and spend time with our friends the Stoners
4/24 (early) – Leave Franklin

4/24 (late) – arrive at Lizzie, who has been waiting patiently outside of Charlotte (SC) for our return from Texas.
4/28 – Say goodbye to our friends in SC, and head to Chambersburg, PA with Lizzie and the truck.





4/29 – Arrive in Chambersburg, PA
4/30 – Appointments and Fitzpatrick family time (no pictures of the Doctor stuff – but all check-ups and routine tests were A-OK! Thank you, Lord!)
5/1 – More Fitz Family time















Squeeze in a quick visit with my college roommate & hubby!





5/2 – Leave Lizzie on the street and drive to Columbus to meet little Tucker, and love on the rest of our Ohio Family

A rainy day baseball game, prom pictures, baby snuggles – and not a whole lot of pictures! Though short, it was still a very sweet visit!  Looking forward to seeing them all again in July at the family reunion at the Cabin!



5/5 – Return to Chambersburg (where another family joined in the fun)





5/6 – (early)Hook up the truck to Lizzie and head north to Canton, NY





5/6 – (late) Arrive in Canton, park Lizzie, plug her in, and then meet up with friends for dinner! (How crazy that we know TWO couples through SOWERs that live in Canton, NY!).










5/7 – Bid Lizzie farewell (for a bit), and head in the truck to the Cabin


We’ve been here for a full week now – and it’s been all good! I’ve been sleeping in, and then awakening to a crackling fire (May mornings are chilly in Vermont!), hot coffee, and a sweet time of devotions. Gary, of course, has other ideas of vacation!
Can you spot him on the mower?
Getting that floating dock ready for the Family Reunion this summer!

So in the last three plus weeks, we have seen all of our kids and grands, my sister and almost half of her family, did our annual doctoring stuff, got the tires rotated and our eyes examined,  ordered new glasses for both of us, and logged over 3000 miles (Lizzie and Truck together).  It’s no wonder we’re feeling ready to enjoy some Ahhh…Cabin time!
And as you can tell, it’s been much easier not to blog than it has been to blog – so we’ll just have to see how the rest of our time here goes.
Thanks for stopping by, and extending grace for my current intermittent blogging habits!

From the plane to the party

No –  really.
Gary picked me up from the airport after my trip north, and we drove right to the 2024 SOWER Florida Rally/Reunion. He’d already moved Lizzie to the reunion site (Groveland, FL – west of Orlando) and the party was well underway by the time we arrived. In fact, we arrived just in time for the group picture!
While what we both really wanted was a nap (I’d been up since 4:30 am to catch that 6:30 am flight home), we decided instead to give the cornhole tournament a try.
We lost the first game, but (surprisingly) won the next two, and somehow became the first-place winners of the losers. Who knew there was such a thing? Our prize was being one of the first couples through the dinner line! Whooohoo!
The reunion party did not disappoint! We loved catching up with some of our old  dear SOWER friends, and we also loved meeting some brand-new couples! Two couples hadn’t even been on their first project!! I love to see the excitement as these new folks are beginning a journey that has meant so much to us!

We were inspired to “Stay Strong in Today’s World”,
and enjoyed a musical evening with Dane Bailey,  the Singing Auctioneer,
(who then did a grand job the next day being an actual auctioneer!).
We also enjoyed several meals together – all excellent, and all lots of fun!
Someone just couldn’t resist!
We did manage to sneak in a much-needed nap, but it was just a quick power nap because we didn’t want to miss the wonderful fellowship with friends old and new that these SOWER Reunions afford.   We’re so thankful for the team that put all of this wonderfulness together! And for all the love that was in the air the whole time!

Almost caught up!

Chambersburg Time

We usually hang out in  Chambersburg, PA for a day or so at least once a year. You see, our dear nephew is also our doctor and we do our best to get in for a check-up annually. (We see others in his practice, but we still consider Mike to be our personal physician!). And annual check-ups aside, spending time with these guys is always fun! Of course, they are a busy family  – with school and homework and sports – but there was still plenty of time for games and conversations and giggles. Oh, and there was some pretty delicious food involved in these two days too!
We were even able join in some family devotions. That was a very sweet evening.
This year we had the added bonus of a visit from my sister, Joie,
and then I was able to visit with my college roommate, who had recently moved just a half hour from Chambersburg!
I love that we are still connected – and even if we don’t see each other very often, our friendship has stood the test of time! What a blessing!
So family and friends and more family – this was a very fine visit!
And yes – I did get in that check-up. In fact, Gary drove the rig to the office and we left to head to North Carolina right from the parking lot.

Tonight we are settled in at our October spot, but we leave on a road trip in the truck tomorrow. You can check out the details (if you’d like) over at the “Where are we now” page. If it gets quiet here for the next couple of weeks, I’m sure you’ll understand. At least part of that time will involve some very special grandboys!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

Mondays are for Memories

As I was thinking about doing a Mondays are for Memories post for today, I thought I would look back to the last time we stopped by here at High Braes – September 2010. It was just a quick overnight, and I documented it in a blog post called (wait for it) – Catchin’ Up. So apparently, I’ve been backlogged for a Very Long Time!
But anywho – here we go!
Catchin’ Up – September 2010

There is soooo much catching up I need to do. Bookkeeping, thank-you notes, journaling, blogging, bank statements, emails…..the list is long. Too long. But this post is about some catching up we were able to do as we traveled from Ontario to Ohio to meet that new grandson. Each night on the road we stopped and were able to catch up with old friends.
Monday night we stopped at a SOWER project in upstate NY –
and had a lovely evening catching up with the folks we worked with on our very first project six years ago. We’ve seen them a couple of times over the years, but not recently. It was great to enjoy a cup of coffee and some very good brownies with them and catch-up.
Tuesday morning we traveled to North Chili, NY (near Rochester) for a lovely afternoon and evening with SOWER friends, Dave and Edie. We worked with them on our third project, have seen them a couple of times since then and were delighted to be able to spend some time with them.
(That’s the Erie Canal they’re standing by. Did you know the Erie Canal is still a viable (363 mile) waterway that stretches from Albany, NY to Buffalo, NY? We were touring an historic canal barge – very cool!).
Wednesday we headed into Pennsylvania. Even though PA is where I grew up and raised my family, we were heading into totally new territory for us. My best friend from high school lives just outside of Mansfield, PA and since we hadn’t seen each other in 30+ years, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to make a little detour to catch up with her! We’d lost touch over the years and only recently “found” each other through the miracle of the internet (and a sweet mutual friend who had an old “where are they now” class list!).
Not only was Gail my best buddy in high school, she was also one of the two attendants in my wedding.
(This was a good summer for reconnecting with the wedding party for me. Back in July we spent a night at Deb’s house – remember?)
Deb and Me
Thursday morning we left Gail’s (with great hopes for staying in touch) and continued on to catch up with another SOWER couple that we had worked with a couple of times.
Green Isle GroupThey were also on that third project back in 2005 –
(that was our first “big” project – and it was lots of fun. Earlier this summer we had stopped to see another SOWER that we had met at that project, so you can tell it was a very special month!) We’re delighted to be working with them again this winter in Florida. Such a blessing it is to be part of the SOWER family!

By Friday morning we were heading to Ohio – and those grandbabies!!!!!!!
And although little Noah was (given the newness of his status – oh, and the fact he is a he) the star of the show –
we certainly had lots of fun with the girls (who actually knew we were there!).
Ohio Conrads 9_10-3_edited-1

And as startling as this may be, there are a bazillion other pictures of ALL the Conrads HERE if you’d like a peek!

Fair warning, there’s a lot of cuteness going on there!

So now it’s on to the rest of the catch-up. I think I’d better start with those thank-you notes! Or maybe the bank statement. Or maybe that new book……

The week between

Even when we work several project months in a row, we always have at least one week off between assignments. For the week between our July and August projects, we headed to northern NY for a week with our good buddies Joe & Kim.
We arrived on Saturday and settled into their sweet RV site right next to the house.
It was a perfectly lovely week! Catching up with good friends is always a blessing, and this week was no exception! But I do have abit of a confession. While I was taking advantage of the extra space their home provide and managed to piece together the memory quilt from the SOWER 40th Anniversary Rally,
Gary was taking advantage of a paved RV site and was searching out and repairing a persistent leak in our radiator.
Pretty sure I got the better end of the deal!
(The good news in this is that the T-Shirt went straight to the trash!)
As I said in my post yesterday, we’ve met the most amazing people in our travels. Joe & Kim are a beautiful example of close friends that we never would’ve met if we hadn’t been on this crazy RV adventure! What a blessing they are to us!
Thanks, friends, for a wonderful week of respite.
With just a little engine grease thrown in!