Tag Archives: Georgia

Mondays are for Memories

It was in October of 2004 that we did our first SOWER project. It was at a small Christian school in Vienna, Georgia – and those memories will always be precious to us. The school is now closed, and we have not been back that way in many years. One of our favorite excursions while there was our trip to Providence Canyon State Park – Georgia’s Little Grand Canyon. We still recommend that park to friends if we know they are heading to Georgia.
I didn’t seem so very wordy back 19 years ago – so, here it is – short and sweet!

Georgia’s Little Grand Canyon
October 10, 2004

OK, so it’s not THE Grand Canyon, but for Georgia it was pretty impressive. We took the 3 mile hike that went into the canyon itself and got to walk along the creek beds that formed these canyons.

The Answer and a Postscript

The pictures from yesterday were taken early in our adventure (like October 2004 early) at Providence Canyon State Park, aka Georgia’s Little Grand Canyon! Interestingly, this impressive canyon is less than 200 years old, having been formed by poor farming practices in the mid 1800!

Here is a little video from a local TV station that has a little more information!

We would highly recommend a visit if you are ever even remotely close!

And as a postscript from Tuesday’s post – here are those sweet boys waiting in the airport for my arrival!

Oh yeah. All the feels!