Wedding. Family. Heritage.
Sometimes everything just comes together is a super-special way, and you’re left with more precious memories than you’d ever imagined!
Our youngest niece, Sydney, got married on Saturday to the love of her life, Nate. The wedding was at a beautiful barn in central Vermont – the Cyr Barn.

It was one of those (typical) Vermont summer days where if you looked in one direction it looked like a beautiful day.

Check out the blue sky!
But as the wedding progressed, the clouds over the mountain took on a bit more threatening look.

The weather did not squelch any of the joy of the day however!

The reception was in the barn, which was whimsically decorated with white lights and white tulle.

We loved being able to share in the joy of the day, and we LOVED being able to spend the day with my siblings and their spouses.

We clean up pretty nicely, don’t we??
So we spent Saturday at that lovely wedding, not only being able to celebrate with Syd and Nate, but also enjoying sweet visits with the sibs. Such a precious day. But then on Sunday, with no advance planning whatsoever, we were able to connect with our Canadian family who ‘just happened’ to be in Vermont over the weekend. What a delight!!

Dewey and Sharon couldn’t join us since they were in post-wedding recovery mode, but it was so grand to see these folks. We even gave it a Senior Citizen attempt at a 10 person selfie.

Where’s that selfie stick when you need it!!
Usually, if we are in Vermont we are staying at the cabin. This time, though, the cabin was being used for the rehearsal dinner and housing for the groomsmen, so we opted to stay at another piece of our family history – the Dwinell Homestead.

This home was built by my great-grandfather and his brother, and 5 generations later it’s still in the family. It wasn’t being used this weekend, so we made arrangements to stay there. It’s only used in the summer, and in many ways has remained just as it was at the turn of the century. (Think lots and lots of extension cords!) We poked around in the genealogy books, checked out the vast array of old pictures, and tried to conjure up just who might have sat in what chair last century.

Super special to stay there!

Wedding, Family, Heritage. What a beautiful weekend!
If you’d like to see a few additional pictures of our glorious weekend, you can check them out HERE!