Tag Archives: Hope

Mondays are for Memories – Connie

One of my birthday buddies, Connie Breyer, met Jesus face-to-face last week. And oh, what a greeting she must’ve gotten! For those of us still on this side of eternity, though, the parting has been hard. I haven’t been a part of Connie’s everyday life for many, many years, but still, I consider her one of my closest and dearest friends. We didn’t speak often, but we always knew we were there for each other. Because I knew she was a faithful reader of this blog, I would often think of her as I figured out what I should write about. Several years ago (2018), I wrote the following little summary of our friendship. But as I read it now, I realize what we had was much, much more precious than what I was able to convey here. But it’s a start.

Long, long ago, in (what seems like) a galaxy far, far away a young bride [me] met with a ‘more experienced’ bride [Connie] once a week for lunch. And encouragement. And prayer.
Time passed, babies came, and schedules changed. But the friendship and encouragement and prayers never ended. Our little twosome grew to include others as we changed from being young brides to being young moms.
Friends moved, babies grew, and life happened. Things changed.
But through it all, three of us somehow, by hook or by crook, managed to continue to meet once a year to celebrate our November birthdays. We’d often meet at church on a Sunday in November, enjoy lunch, catch up with each other, and end the day in prayer. It was a very precious day for me, as I would often go the whole year without being in contact with them. But that thread of friendship never broke. Never even frayed!
Since we’ve been on the road, we three birthday buddies haven’t always been able to connect during November. But whenever we can work it out, we work it out!!

birthdaygirls08 ConnieBonnieandme
birthdaybuddies Connie Bonnie BonnieConnieand me

I didn’t make it back to Hometown this past summer, so being able to connect with these precious Birthday Buddies, these Sisters in Christ was especially sweet this past October.
I’m so thankful for these friends from that galaxy far, far away!
So Thankful for US!

What a blessing both Bonnie and Connie have been to me over the years!  As Bonnie and I talked this past week after she shared this sad news with me, our tears were mingled with such sweet remembrances of times we had spent with Connie, and how much she meant to us (and most everyone else who knew her!).  I am so thankful that this past summer we were able to get together for worship and then lunch!
Me, Bonnie, and Connie (surprisingly color coordinated!)
We had the husbands along (sometimes that just happens!), so we didn’t get to spend hours catching up, but it was still the sweetest of visits.

My heart aches for her family, especially her beautiful daughters and her beloved grandchildren.  And for the many people whose lives were brightened by this triumphant daughter of the King.  Our grief is real and hard. But I am praying that they (and I!) will continue to rest in the knowledge of the glorious life that Connie is now enjoying.
“…That you [we] may not grieve as those who have no hope.” (I Thessalonians 4:13)

I can only imagine, dearest Connie, what your new life is like. We miss you here – and always will! But oh what joy you must be experiencing!

Your friend, the young bride,


Sabbath Rest – I Set My Hope on Jesus

How thankful I am that “there’s a truth that’s more than all I feel,” because sometimes my feelings can be a bit misleading.

When this life of trials tests my faith
I set my hope on Jesus
When the questions come and doubts remain
I set my hope on Jesus

For the deepest wounds that time won’t heal
There’s a joy that runs still deeper
There’s a truth that’s more than all I feel
I set my hope on Jesus

I set my hope on Jesus
My rock, my only trust
Who set His heart upon me first
I set my hope on Jesus

Though I falter in this war with sin
I set my hope on Jesus
When I fail the fight and sink within
I set my hope on Jesus

Though the shame would drown me in its sea
And I dread the waves of justice
I will cast my life on Calvary
I set my hope on Jesus

I set my hope on Jesus
My rock, my only trust
Who set His heart upon me first
I set my hope on Jesus

Though the world call me to leave my Lord
I set my hope on Jesus
Though it offer all its vain rewards
I set my hope on Jesus

Though this heart of mine is prone to stray
Give me grace enough to finish
’Till I worship on that final day
I set my hope on Jesus

I set my hope on Jesus
My rock, my only trust
Who set His heart upon me first
I set my hope on Jesus

I set my hope on Jesus
My rock, my only trust
Who set His heart upon me first
I set my hope on Jesus
I set my hope on Jesus

Words and Music by Matt Boswell, Matt Papa, and Keith Getty

©2023 Getty Music Publishing (BMI) / Messenger Hymns (BMI) / Getty Music Hymns and Songs (ASCAP) / Love Your Enemies Publishing (ASCAP)

Every Day New

The trip here was an adventure filled with  flight delays, missed connections, stand-by tickets (which delightfully morphed into a first class seat), a smooth connection with my sister (though 4 hours later than we had expected), sun and clouds, rain and hail, and multiple rainbows.  Oh, and beautiful pink mountains as we entered Vermont.

We arrived late, but still had time for a quick Elna hug before we settled in at Chris’s apartment, our home for the next foreseeable future. And so began this time of helping with the care of my precious sister. I stress the ‘helping’ aspect of this because her beautiful daughters, Heather and Bethany, are the ‘A’ team – handling all of the heavy lifting, in both a literal and figurative sense. Husband Henry has disabilities of his own, so he works on the med schedule and other less physical components of her care. Joie and I are the auxiliary squad, filling in where we can physically and always ready with hugs and words of love and support. And back rubs when needed!

She has been moved officially to hospice care and we are thankful for their support and resources. Her hospital bed (what a blessing!) is in the corner of the living room with privacy curtains when needed. Some days she is quite conversational and chatty, and then the next day she’s sleepy and withdrawn. So each day is different and we are treasuring them as they come.

The house has been filled with people who love her and I know she is feeling the love and prayers of so many.

Each evening before we head back to our nest, we gather ’round her bed to sing hymns. Sometimes she sings along in her sweet alto voice, sometimes she just mouths the words (to ALL the verses!) and sometimes her eyes just close in contented rest.

What better way to end the day but with words of praise and adoration to our LORD who holds her fast!

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
in a believer’s ear!
It soothes our sorrows, heals our wounds,
and drives away our fear.

Every day new. Every day a precious treasure.