We painted those tables –
(Full disclosure – one of the summer staff finished the job because we were moved to housekeeping-)
We made the beds
And then we accepted The Great Organizational Challenge!
Remember those two rooms our guys drywalled and then installed shelving?
Our mission – should we choose to accept it – was to take all the boxes and crates (filled with decorations) in this room
and organize it by season and/or holiday and put it in those two newly ‘shelved’ rooms.
Oh, my! We accepted the challenge (of course), took a big gulp, and got started!
I started pulling out all of the Christmas ‘stuff’ (since we had been told that there would be more of that than any other) and shuttling it down to Anita who kept busy labeling boxes, consolidating what she could, and trying to group things in some kind of order. Nativities nestled together. Christmas trees and greens in the same area. Tree decorations near each other. Table decorations…pine cones….snow flakes….you get my drift, right?
This might look like a lot of shelves
but let me tell you, there was A LOT of Christmas/Winter decorations.
As I was sorting through boxes in the room we needed to empty, I was also trying to group other ‘like’ items together. Fall decorations. Spring. Valentines. Silk flowers by color. Eventually we felt we were making a dent in the pile.
Look! Floor!!
Meanwhile, the “Christmas Room” was filling up fast!
By the time we left work last Thursday, we were feeling quite hopeful we could wrap things up early the next week.
Ah, silly us!
We came in on Monday, and as I was working my way to the back of the room, I noticed some boxes in the hall that had been hidden by the mattresses (also in the hallway). And wait – are there more boxes even past them?
The back hall was full,
the bedroom had a collection of boxes
and even the bathroom was chock full of more (mostly Christmas) goodies!
There might’ve been just a moment or two of disbelief before we just once again started opening, labeling, and sorting boxes.
By the end of our work week the apartment was ready to be cleaned for the summer staff
and all the boxes were labeled and (to the best of our ability) organized on shelves.
The Christmas/Winter room was stuffed to the gills,
but the “other” room had an empty shelf and a clear flat surface that will come in pretty handy as a work area as these decorations get used.
We came. We saw. We got’er done!