Tag Archives: Puppies

One of the Perks

One of the perks of our Little House in Lindale, is its close(ish) proximity to at least one of our kids. Josiah and his family are down the road outside of Waco – just under a three hour drive. (Our other kiddos and grands are a good 1000 miles away, hence the close(ish) designation!). Any-who, we took advantage of that relative closeness and got in a sweet visit earlier this month.
We had a pretty laid back time – no big chores needed to be accomplished, so it was just hanging out with everyone and also meeting these dear puppies
But although the puppies were adorable, hanging out with the boys was the most fun! I had some help with my morning Wordle game –
And there was a bit of piling on Pops too!
Weston (age 13)tried to teach me his original game that is a cross between chess and MineCraft (neither of which I have the slightest knowledge of).
Once he simplified it by removing half of the pieces we were able to get through a game. He even had an algorithm to determine where the weapons were to go. Needless to say, he won. But it was still pretty impressive. (Did I even know what an algorithm was when I was 13? Do I at 73?).
Saturday afternoon we joined folks at their church for a Harvest Celebration potluck, and then after church on Sunday we stopped for a fun meal at one of our favorites – In N’ Out Burger!
This is what happens when you ask for your cheese burger plain but with EXTRA pickles. He was one happy pickle-lover!
Don’t forget your burger, Anderson!
And then the other table…
Yep – some of my favorite people at one of our favorite food joints!
We were home before dark on Sunday (more and more critical these days it seems!), and were so very thankful that a visit with our Waco gang is so easily accomplished.

Hope your weekend is going well!


PS – about those puppies – We were very tempted to claim one for ourselves now that we’re a bit more stationary, but with a Great Pyrenees mama and a Béarnaise Mountain Dog mix for a dad, we were pretty sure these cuties would be too big for our either of our little houses! Plus Gary’s allergies really kicked in by the end of the weekend.  But if you’re in the Waco-Dallas-Austin-Lindale area –  they will be ready for Christmas!