Tag Archives: Sabbath Rest

Sabbath Rest – Jesus Calms the Storm

Yes – it’s a crazy world out there! And if it seems crazy to me, I can only imagine how crazy-scary life can be to young hearts. This hymn was written for those young, tender hearts – but what a great reminder that I do indeed have ‘a rock when I can go”.  Praying you do also!

When my heart is filled with fear
Like a stormy sky
Jesus says “be not afraid”
He is at my side

There’s a rock where I can go
Keeps me safe and this I know
Deep within my troubled soul
Jesus calms the storm

When my thoughts are tossed and turned
Like a raging sea
I will listen to His voice
He will comfort me

There’s a rock where I can go
Keeps me safe and this I know
Deep within my troubled soul
Jesus calms the storm

When I feel the shame of sin
Like a crashing wave
My Redeemer rescues me
By His grace I’m saved

There’s a rock where I can go
Keeps me safe and this I know
Deep within my troubled soul
Jesus calms the storm

He who rules the wind and waves
Soon will come again
Oh take courage little heart
Every storm will end

There’s a rock where I can go
Keeps me safe and this I know
Deep within my troubled soul
Jesus calms the storm

There’s a rock where I can go
Keeps me safe and this I know
Deep within my troubled soul
Jesus calms the storm
Jesus calms the storm

© 2024 Getty Music Publishing (BMI), Messenger Hymns (BMI), Getty Music Hymns and Songs (ASCAP), Hymns of Hers (ASCAP), Love Your Enemies (ASCAP) (all admin at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) / Be Essential Songs (BMI), BryanFowlerSongs (BMI) (admin at EssentialMusicPublishing.com)

Sabbath Rest – Oh Church Arise!

I sometimes fail to recognize the spiritual battle we are in – yet I know it is a true and fearsome thing. So this hymn spurs me on to put on the shield of faith and the belt of truth and call upon the Spirit to enable me to “fight with faith and valor”.

So Spirit, come, put strength in ev’ry stride,Give grace for ev’ry hurdle,That we may run with faith to win the prizeOf a servant good and faithful

O, church arise and put your armor onHear the call of Christ our captainFor now the weak can say that they are strongIn the strength that God has given
With shield of faith and belt of truthWe’ll stand against the devil’s liesAn army bold whose battle cry is loveReaching out to those in darkness
Our call to war, to love the captive soul,But to rage against the captorAnd with the sword that makes the wounded wholeWe will fight with faith and valor
When faced with trials on ev’ry side,We know the outcome is secure,And Christ will have the prize for which He diedAn inheritance of nations
Arise, Shine – for your light has come
Arise, Shine – for the Risen Son!Lift your eyes – we are his radiant BrideArise, oh Church, Arise!
Come, see the cross where love and mercy meet,As the Son of God is strickenThen see His foes lie crushed beneath His feet,For the Conqueror has risen
And as the stone is rolled away,And Christ emerges from the grave,This vict’ry march continues till the dayEv’ry eye and heart will see Him
So Spirit, come, put strength in ev’ry stride,Give grace for ev’ry hurdle,That we may run with faith to win the prizeOf a servant good and faithful
As saints of old still line the way,Retelling triumphs of His grace,We hear their calls and hunger for the dayWhen, with Christ, we stand in glory
Arise, Shine – for your light has come
Arise, Shine – for the Risen Son!Lift your eyes – we are his radiant BrideArise, oh Church, Arise!
Music video by Keith & Kristyn Getty performing O Church Arise (Arise, Shine). (C) 2016 Getty Music Label, LLC

Sabbath Rest – His Mercy is more

I love this rendition of this hymn – His Mercy is More. How thankful I am for His love, His patience, and His riches of kindness. But mostly, I’m thankful that His mercy is more. His mercy is more. Praise the LORD!

His Mercy Is More from the Getty Kids project – Family Hymn Sing at GettyMusic.com
Words and Music by Matt Boswell and Matt Papa.

What love could remember no wrongs we have done
Omniscient, all knowing, He counts not their sum
Thrown into a sea without bottom or shore
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

Praise the Lord, His mercy is more
Stronger than darkness, new every morn
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

What patience would wait as we constantly roam
What Father, so tender, is calling us home
He welcomes the weakest, the vilest, the poor
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

Praise the Lord, His mercy is more
Stronger than darkness, new every morn
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

What riches of kindness He lavished on us
His blood was the payment, His life was the cost
We stood ‘neath a debt we could never afford
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

Praise the Lord, His mercy is more
Stronger than darkness, new every morn
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more
Praise the Lord, His mercy is more

Stronger than darkness, new every morn
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more
Praise the Lord, His mercy is more
Stronger than darkness, new every morn
Our sins they are many, His mercy is more

His Mercy Is More from the Getty Kids project – Family Hymn Sing at GettyMusic.com
Words and Music by Matt Boswell and Matt Papa.

Sabbath Rest – Facing a Task Unfinished

Even as we begin to think about slowing down our SOWER work, we are still reminded that the Task is STILL unfinished!
We go to all the world
With kingdom hope unfurled
No other name has power to save
But Jesus Christ The Lord

Facing a task unfinished
That drives us to our knees
A need that undiminished
Rebukes our slothful ease

We, who rejoice to know Thee
Renew before Thy throne
The solemn pledge we owe Thee
To go and make Thee known

Where other Lords beside Thee
Hold their unhindered sway
Where forces that defied Thee
Defy Thee still today

With none to heed their crying
For life and love and light
Unnumbered souls are dying
And pass into the night

We go to all the world
With kingdom hope unfurled
No other name has power to save
But Jesus Christ The Lord

We bear the torch that flaming
Fell from the hands of those
Who gave their lives proclaiming
That Jesus died and rose

Ours is the same commission
The same glad message ours
Fired by the same ambition
To Thee we yield our powers

We go to all the world
With kingdom hope unfurled
No other name has power to save
But Jesus Christ The Lord

O Father who sustained them
O Spirit who inspired
Saviour, whose love constrained them
To toil with zeal untired

From cowardice defend us
From lethargy awake!
Forth on Thine errands send us
To labour for Thy sake

We go to all the world
With kingdom hope unfurled
No other name has power to save
But Jesus Christ The Lord

We go to all the world
His kingdom hope unfurled
No other name has power to save
But Jesus Christ The Lord

Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Fionan Debarra / Keith Getty / Edmond Martin Cash / Kristyn Getty

Sabbath Rest – Our God will Go Before Us

It’s been a bit since I’ve shared a Sabbath Rest hymn. Since we’re just starting out on our twenty-first year of life on the road (and anticipating some tweaks to that in the months ahead), we continue to cling to the promise that our God will go before us, and guide us by his presence.

Our God will go before us
And guide us by his presence
What confidence this promise is
We will never walk alone

Through unknown paths, through shadows
Our hearts fear not tomorrow
For every step his faithfulness
Is the truth that lights our way

Our God will go before us
The Lord of Hosts is with us
O praise the one who leads us on
For his grace will bring us home

Though evil forms against us
All heaven will defend us
The gates of hell shall not prevail
For the battle is the Lord’s

Our God will go before us
The Lord of Hosts is with us
O praise the one who leads us on
For his grace will bring us home

Now send us with your presence,
And lead us on to heaven,
Where songs of sorrow strain no more
And our every breath is praise
O let our every breath be praise

Our God will go before us
The Lord of Hosts is with us
O praise the one who leads us on
For his grace will bring us home

Our God will go before us
The Lord of Hosts is with us
O praise the one who leads us on
For his grace will bring us home

Words and Music by Matt Boswell, Keith Getty, and Matt Papa

©2023 Getty Music Publishing (BMI)/ Messenger Hymns (BMI)/ Getty Music Hymns and Songs (ASCAP)/ Love Your Enemies Publishing (ASCAP)/adm. at MusicServices.com