Tag Archives: The Christmas Story

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Well, not right here at our house, but the festivities are beginning down the road in Chickasha! And we all decided to check it out!
As we crossed the street to the pizza place (dinner first, right?), Gary pointed out an interesting water tower at the end of the street.
But wait – is it a water tower? Or is it
a giant leg lamp? (Think “The Christmas Story”)
Why I think it is!
After pizza, we drove down the block to check out this giant leg!
Apparently, it’s a brand new park here in Chickasha – you can read about it here.
But we didn’t come to Chickasha to discover a 40 ft. leg lamp (fun though that was!). We came to check out the Chickasha Festival of Lights.
Being that none of us really like walking around in the cold, we opted just to do a drive-through (though there was some pausing when we went by the food trucks (funnel cake, anyone?)), so these are your classic ‘out the window’ photos. But it sure was purty!
If we do it again (since we’ll still be in the area next month) I think it would be fun to bundle up and walk around the lake and go across that cool bridge.
As long as there was a big thermos of hot chocolate waiting for me on the other side!

Only 36 days till Christmas, friends!!