We aren’t quite settled yet, seeing that our RV has made a pit stop about 3 hours NE of here – but we are at our official September SOWER project – Camp Nathanael in the little hamlet of Emmalena, KY, and tucked-in nicely in one of their hotel rooms.
This project will be unique – at least for me – because I will be actually be working in the ministry as opposed to being in the background supporting the ministry. This camp has an outdoor education program for the local schools (public & private) and this year’s theme is Pioneer Days. It appears that my main responsibility will be to make cornbread (or gritty bread as they call it) to be used with the butter made by the students in the Butter Making session! Oh, and when I’m not making the cornbread, I’ll be helping out in the quilting session. Now this should be an interesting month!
Pretty sure Gary will be working on fixing things, as usual!
And hopefully we’ll be reunited with Lizzie in the next week or so!