Category Archives: Pictures of the Adventure

Photos of our travels and stops along the way

Did we mention the trains?

We’re on the home stretch at our project at Faith Christian School, and Gary just asked if I’d mentioned the trains. The school (and our camp site) is located between two sets of railroad tracks – each about two blocks from the school. And these are very busy tracks – and since they go through town, they have to blow those whistles, loud and long. They say it takes about three weeks to get used to it.
It’s been a busy couple of weeks – as often happens, when we would go to work on a certain project, it just kind of funnels into another project. What started as Sharon and I organizing the bulletin board “stuff” turned into a revamp of the storage room and trying to make it into a “resource room.” It still has a way to go, but at least the teachers shouldn’t be quite so afraid to enter! The guys continue to busy with yard work and general maintenance/repairs and we managed to get a set of curtains made and hung. Hopefully one more set will get done before we head on our way. We wrap up our time here on Thursday, but will be staying in our little spot until Saturday, tying up loose ends and packing up to hit the road. It has been truly a blessing to be here – getting to know the teachers and students, working with our new friends Dick and Sharon Brittell, and being able to use some of our talents in furthering God’s Kingdom.

Gary and Dick taming the courtyard. The grass was high and the bushes were wild, but they set them straight!

Georgia on my mind…

We awakened to a clear and sunny day – and the itch to go see more of GA. We did a couple of chores and then headed southeast to Thomasville – home of the BIG OAK(the largest live oak east of the Mississippi and the Lapham-Peterson House (among many other things). We took a long walk around the town and then headed off to our next destination. A scenic drive to Valdosta was a disappointment since the fabric store we were headed for had closed a couple of years ago. Guess we’ll learn to call ahead, huh! However, we passed beautiful pecan groves and fields white with cotton, expansive estates and small shanties, towns that consisted of a traffic light and towns that were filled with history. It was a good day.
Tomorrow maybe we’ll stick closer to home. Hey, maybe we’ll even wash the house!