Tag Archives: Waco Crew

Sabbath Rest – Praise God from whom all blessings flow

The Waco crew came for this weekend. It was just over 24 hours, and virtually all daylight moments included pouring rain. It was beautiful chaos in every one of those moments! To say that four little boys and their mom and dad can fill up our little 850 sq ft house may be an understatement!Untitled
Add torrential rain into the picture, and even Pops got on the floor to get the kids engaged in a game of Mexican Train.
We took advantage of our son’s brawn to get some giant TVs moved around
and kept the card table handy for meals and snacks.
Once we get Lizzie here we’ll have a guest room. But meanwhile –
bodies just go everywhere!

But wait – this is my Sunday Sabbath Rest post. It’s supposed to be a hymn or worship song, isn’t it?  Well, the previous pictures and prose are just the introduction to a short hymn that has been part of our worship for centuries. The Doxology. Because after this weekend, how can we not give Him ALL the praise and glory?

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Here are two renditions  – both beautiful and well, I just couldn’t decide. May we always give our praise to Him from who all blessings flow!